
DIY Smart Card Kit

Create your own custom smart business cards with ease, featuring:

  • Custom Printed Design: Personalize your card with your logo and contact information.
  • NFC Technology & QR Code Backup: Share your details effortlessly with a tap or a scan.
  • Waterproof & Durable PVC: Built to last.
  • Add Your Details in Your Profile: Easily update your information.
  • No Apps to Download: Simple and hassle-free.
  • No Ongoing Fees: One-time purchase.
  • Standard Profile Account & Technical Support: Manage your card efficiently with ongoing support.

Order now and start creating your own smart business cards!


VIP Smart Card Package

Experience the ultimate in professional networking with premium features and services, including:

  • We Add All Your Details: Let us handle the setup for you.
  • Custom Professional Design: Get a sleek, professionally designed card.
  • NFC Technology & QR Code Backup: Share your information effortlessly with a tap or scan.
  • Waterproof & Durable PVC: Built to withstand the elements.
  • No Apps to Download: Simple and user-friendly.
  • No Ongoing Fees: One-time purchase with no hidden costs.
  • VIP Onboarding & Verification: Enjoy a seamless onboarding experience with verified details.
  • VIP Technical Support: Access dedicated support for any technical needs.

Order now for a superior networking experience!


Team Package

Experience the ultimate with custom Team Branding experience and premium features and services, including:

  • Custom Branded App and Features to your Brand
  • We Add All Your Details: Let us handle the setup for you.
  • Custom Professional Design: Get a sleek, professionally designed card.
  • NFC Technology & QR Code Backup: Share your information effortlessly with a tap or scan.
  • Waterproof & Durable PVC: Built to withstand the elements.
  • No Apps to Download: Simple and user-friendly.
  • No Ongoing Fees: One-time purchase with no hidden costs.
  • VIP Onboarding & Verification: Enjoy a seamless onboarding experience with verified details.
  • VIP Technical Support: Access dedicated support for any technical needs.

Order now for a superior networking experience!