About Lilly Ellen LLC

Founded in 2017 as La Luxure Graphic Design and rebranded in 2022, Lilly Ellen LLC embodies a rich tradition of visual excellence and community engagement.  At the helm, Lilly Ellen, a seasoned Web Graphic Designer with over a decade of experience in bringing clients' visions to life.  A mother of four and avid artist, Lilly Ellen blends personal creativity with professional acumen, ensuring each project not only meets but exceeds expectations.

Our Philosophy: 

At Lilly Ellen, we believe that good design is the cornerstone of business success.  Our approach combines modern aesthetics with functional design to create compelling, effective visual communications.  Whether it's a logo, a website, or a custom piece of artwork, we are dedicated to providing exceptional quality and service.

Community and Growth:

Active in the local Chamber of Commerce, Better Business Bureau, and part of Leadership in my local regions BNI chapter, our studio not only contributes to the local economy but also fosters a network of support and collaborations.  Looking ahead, we aspire to expand our footprint with a boutique that offers custom-designed items, further integrating our passion for design with the community's needs.

Check out Lilly Ellen Portfolio and see for your how Lilly Ellen LLC has helped other small business and people and transform ideas into visually stunning realities.  Let's create something beautiful together. 

Our Services

Lilly Ellen LLC, established in 2022, is a versatile graphic design and print studio dedicated to empowering small businesses to flourish.

We offer a wide range of services:

Graphic Design: Expertise in creating compelling branding materials, logos, and business documents that reflect each client's unique identity and goals.

Social Media Assistance: Providing support in managing and optimizing social media platforms to enhance online presence and engagement.

Webpage Development: Offering entry-level SEO and effective web design to ensure businesses are visible and attractive online.

Local Marketing Advice:  Delivering targeted strategies to help businesses connect with local customers and expand their market reach.

Print Services: A wide range of printing options including custom apparel, ensuring high-quality production of promotional materials.

Smart Card Services: Customizable smart cards designed for networking, complete with design and printing services.  These cards include a app for sharing business information, social media, calendars, pay links and more.  Features also include a tracking function for client interactions, offering a dynamic and updatable solution tailored for both business and personal use.

Lilly Ellen LLC aims to be a pivotal part of its clients' success, especially during their formative years, by providing personalized and professional services tailored to their specific needs.

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